Hoosier Mama Pie Company in Chicago, IL is a critically acclaimed pie shop that has been featured on several television shows...
Sugar High Restaurants In Chicago, Illinois
Duff Goldman takes a cross-country trek to capture the sweet secrets and tasty techniques that keep the cookies from crumbling in the top bakeries around the nation. Duff visits a bevy of sweet spots ranging from diners and curbside snow-cone machines to food carts and boutique bakeries, getting a full view of what it takes to sweeten up any soiree. Duff highlights decadent desserts that are anything but ordinary, from chilled bread pudding on the Venice boardwalk in California and tableside s’mores in Dallas to Sno Ballz from the first-ever shaved-ice machine in New Orleans and a slice of apple strudel in Chicago. Duff also satisfies his sweet tooth with lemon ginger mousse at a hip Asian diner in Boston and traditional rice pudding at a dessert boutique in Philadelphia. This sugary search leaves mouths watering as Duff discovers the country’s best baked goods.
3 Restaurants in Chicago
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Points of Interest near Chicago, IL
A private university in Chicago focused on social justice and community engagement, with diverse food offerings in a bustling urban environment.
Offers a diverse array of undergraduate and graduate programs, focusing on career-oriented education. The Chicago area is filled with rich culinary offerings from deep-dish pizza to gourmet dining.
Focusing on arts and media, this college located in Chicago's Loop has access to countless dining options like food trucks and trendy cafés.
Located in Chicago, this venue hosts large events including educational seminars, conventions, and community gatherings, with a seating capacity of over 1,500.
A major public research university with a diverse student population, it offers Brooklyn-esque food spots and a rich array of international cuisines.
Home to the Chicago Bears, Soldier Field is one of the oldest stadiums in the NFL, featuring a distinct neo-classical design. The surrounding Grant Park area offers delicious food options from hot ...
As the largest convention center in North America, McCormick Place hosts a wide range of events including trade shows, conventions, and corporate meetings, most notably the International Manufactur...